Safety & Security

Safety & Security

The recent unfortunate incidents which have occurred in a couple of the schools of Delhi and NCR, has caused a lot of anxiety and concern amongst the parents regarding the safety of their children.

It is for the appraisal of the parents and the public in general regarding the safety and security of students of Brain International School which is required in the present scenario to ensure that no untoward incident takes place in the School.

  1. Installation of CCTV cameras.
  1. CCTV’s cameras already exist at all the vulnerable points of the school i.e. classrooms, labs, library, music room, dance room, ground area, entry and dispersal gate.
  1. CCTV’s cameras in corridors are being installed.
  1.  CCTV’s cameras are being regularly checked within 24 hours by the official specifically assigned for this duty so as to ensure that every camera is functioning smoothly and properly.
  1. Fire Extinguisher -
  1. The school has already taken care to install Fire extinguishing system in the school building and appropriate remedial measures are in place to fight out fire incidents at any time due to untoward events.
  1. The availability of all material facts i.e. water for fire extinguisher are regularly checked in by the Administration Officer and the equipment is properly maintained.
  1. A proper certificate is issued to the school by the concerned department.
  1. Walk through Metal Detector will soon be placed on the entry gate.
  1. The school has a proper exit plan in case of emergency or any disaster and the same has been put up on the notice board on every floor & mock drills are conducted on regular basis for students to know the exit routes.
  1. Hygienic R.O. water: - The drinking water is R.O. treated so that the water is pure and safe for dinking & the cleaning of tanks is done on regular basis.
  1. Mode of conveyance –
  1. The students attend the school through different types of modes of conveyance –
  • Transport arranged by the school through its own source i.e. school buses & vans.
  • Through vans arranged by the parents of their own.
  • Walkers.

     The school in order to ensure that proper safety and security of the student is kept intact and to avoid any untoward incident due to negligence of the staff, has arranged the following course of action:-

  1. All the school buses are already fitted with–
  • GPS
  • Fire-extinguishers
  • First Aid box is present in all buses.
  1. Verification of character and antecedent –
  • The school has already taken up the matter to verify the character and antecedent of all the drivers and helpers, who are responsible to ply the buses to ferry the students. Although 90% of our staff already has undergone police verification at the time of recruitment.
  • In each bus plying on the route to ferry the students, the school bus is driven by the driver and assisted by the conductor/helper.
  • To be more cautious and to maintain discipline in the bus the school has specifically arranged to send one female attendant in the school buses in the morning also, to facilitate each and every student to get in and get down from the bus. Teachers were already accompanying the students in the buses in the afternoon.
  • The list of students along with their details is always present in the bus.
  • The teacher/lady attendant is responsible to maintain discipline and also to ensure that no inconvenience is caused to the students during the journey as well as to ensure that the students get-in or get down at the appropriate stand determined by the school bus route and the child is handed over to the concerned identified person/parent on seeing the parents I Card.
  • In case the parents do not turn up at the stop or do not carry the parents I Card, the student shall be brought back to the school for further appropriate action.
  1. Housekeeping Staff:-
  • Police verification of the House Keeping staff is in process.
  • Lady attendants have been deputed outside all the washrooms to help the students.
  1. Restricted movements of drivers, conductors/helpers and watchmen/ security staff.
  1. They have a separate wash room on the outer side of the building with facilities for their use.
  2. They perform their duty in proper uniform with Identity card for their identification.
  3. Their entry is debarred in the school premises during school hours.
  4. They have been advised to be more disciplined, remain sober, not to touch any of the students of the school for any reason what so ever.
  5. They are not to chew any tobacco or gutka or consume any type of alcohol during duty hours.
  6. In case, the driver or the helper has any difficulty handling the parents of the students using school bus, they have to report to the concerned teacher/lady attendant available in the bus or Transport Manager, who shall be responsible to settle things and take charge of the situation.
  1. Coordination solicited from the parents –
  • No parent would be allowed to meet anyone in school without prior appointment slip issued by the teacher for entry to school.
  • All visitors/parents entering the school have to provide complete details about themselves, the purpose and the person to meet, in the register maintained at the entry gate and they would be issued a visitor’s pass.
  • At dispersal no child will be handed over to the parents without parents ID card, in case of any emergency, the child will be handed over only to the person who’s photograph exists on the parent ID card.
  • For those who have arranged to ferry their wards by private vans arranged by them are requested :-
  • To get the character and antecedent verification of the drivers, helpers, from the Police Station.
  • On receipt of verification of character and antecedent of drivers/helpers if any, the same may be provided to the school by the parents with proper acknowledgement.
  • The driver of the van arranged by the parents for ferrying their ward(s), must possess the parent I Card with him and child should not sit on CNG Cylinder.
  • The First-aid-box should be present in the van.
  • Vans should be fitted with speed Governor & GPS.
  • The number of students should not exceed more than the seating capacity.
  • The parents should invariably check the credentials and behavior of the driver including strength of the students and also accompany the students by rotation on the designated route.
  • The time schedule of van must be properly, regulated & checked by the parents to ensure that the van driver timely carries the students from home to school and vice versa.
  • The van driver must not take up two shifts to ferry the students, which ultimately causes anxiety, pressure, stress on the driver and can be one of the reasons of accidents and in the process the students are also delayed in getting back home.
  • The van driver must possess the list of the students travelling by that van with their particulars including mobile no. of parents/guardian to enable to with the parents at any time in case there is an urgent requirement.


1. a) The school timings are 8:00 a.m. to 2:15 p.m.  In no case should the child be dropped at school before 7:50 a.m

     b) For Nursery & Prep classes the parents must not drop their children before 8:50 a.m

 2. Parents are advised not to encourage students to come in self driven vehicles to avoid any untoward incident

 3. Bringing mobile phones to school is strictly prohibited as already intimated earlier.



"The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you’ll go.~ Dr. Seuss "

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