
Brain International embarks its mission by the locution that ‘Education is not just a profession for us but a sacred call. Therefore, as abodes of knowledge, we impart quality education. We aim at leading impressionable minds to scale the zenith of the sky till the depth of the ocean of the knowledge.

We understand the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest complaint, or the smallest act of caring . We tap the potential & avidity of students to provide a compatible learning environment.

To assimilate our mission/purpose

  • We foster courage in them to take the risk, ventilate and absorb the stress to balance their life.
  • We support their struggle to face the failure and teach them to cultivate their dreams.
  • We inculcate Problem solving, Critical thinking and Decision making skills in order to prepare a community of lifelong learners
  • We empower them to be confident global citizens

The students are taught

  • To be sensitive but be committed.
  • To instill the traits of being  Compassionate, Empathetic, Tolerant and Non Violent.

            In this process Brainites are polished well to win the heart & mind of others, to put service before self, retain humility & values …… & conquer the world.

"The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you’ll go.~ Dr. Seuss "

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