Celebrations 2015-16


 “We do not inherit the Earth from our ancestors; we borrow it from our children”.
A special assembly on Earth Day was conducted by class XI in which they showed through the Street Play the relationship of human beings with the planet that supports us. The students showed how the global ecosystem is increasingly under pressure from human activities and it is high time that humans start caring for the mother Earth so that she can continue to care as she has done for millennia. The play was followed by a well synchronized and relevant dance.



Heritage is the legacy left by our forefathers for us to protect and for the coming generations to admire and savour.  It reflects the past on which the country's future ideals are based upon.  Hence, it is very important to preserve it. To raise awareness about the diversity of cultural heritage and to inspire the future generations, a special assembly was conducted by class XII students on 16th  April’15.The spectacular nukkad natak was thought provoking and conclusively promoted preservation of Heritage by heaping ignominy  upon the present population who are decimating the national heritage. The skit and dance was presented by the students motivated and inspire schoolmates to do their bit  to save our Heritage.  The vibrant dance with slogans firm in hand motivated the students.  Ms.Taruna, their class teacher threw some light on the need to value our heritage.


“Sum total of intelligence remains the same”, said Mrs  Vandana Tandon, the Guest Speaker to commence her address, on 23 March 15. She took an interactive session with the parents, helping them understand their child and tackle the problems they could face in the new phase in their child’s life. The Principal, Mrs Seema Behl extended a warm welcome to the parents, telling them about the school and the importance of good parenting and guidance. The parents got an exhaustive insight of the school rules, regulation, curriculum as well as a glimpse of activities held in the bygone session through a slide show. The day ended with parents meeting their child’s class teacher clearing doubts and posing queries. This meeting not only brings the boon of bonding and comfort to those concerned with the child, but also aids build up of harmony between home and school.




Every step on our journey counts, howsoever small, it may be....
The Graduation of students of Prep of Brain International School, Vikas puri spanned across 3 days of 18th, 19th and 20th Mar’ 15.Presentations by the tiny tots was not simply the culmination of the year’s hard work but an acknowledgement of their success as well.A variety of messages were conveyed through one act plays, scenes and dances. ‘Who will be the king?’ and ‘Fruit market scene’ were staged to promote the consumption of fruits and vegetables, besides a skit on ‘Old Tree’ to highlight the importance of trees.
Smiles could be seen at the charming depiction of ‘Classroom scene’. Students performance on communal harmony and observance of traffic rules set a pensive mood while others championed for swacchta abhiyan, good etiquettes and respect for elders. The children danced confidently and enthusiastically to the foot tapping numbers.
It was an engaging sight as the Prep students received their rolls of honour solemnly and queued up for the group photograph.

"Gratitude is the fairest blossom which springs from the soul.~ Henry Ward Beecher "

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